Leading in Uncertainty

Thoughts on how to lead, and orient towards opportunity, during times of uncertainty.

Leadership and Virtue An ongoing global health crisis, with major implications for how we live and no clear end in sight. Widespread protests and reckoning with police violence and the toxic effects of racism. A political climate in the US of ever increasing polarization. This moment seems characterized by currents of fear, anger and frustration...
Context is Queen: Culture Clarity through Pandemic Principles We have a saying at Talentism about human behavior: “context is queen.” By this we mean that how we make sense of the world and the actions we take are inextricably tied to the cues we get from our environment. As a hyper-social species, the most important...
Navigating the Perfect Storm At risk of stating the obvious: this is hard. While many of us know how to spring into action in the face of an acute crisis, the situation we find ourselves in today is starting to look like something else entirely; a slow rolling dissolution of most of the guideposts by...
THINK Confusion and the Coronavirus: Learning how to be with Uncertainty Perhaps it’s just my own media bubble, but it seemed hard to write about anything but the Coronavirus this week. While we here at Talentism talk a lot about confusion, certainty, and how to achieve clarity through chaos, it’s rare that the whole world...