Meaning in Work

Reflections from the Talentism Team on the meaning of and in work, and the fulfillment that is gained through a shift in perspective

THINK Martin Luther King and the Compulsion for Excellence This week’s Sensemaker comes on one of our favorite US holidays: Martin Luther King day. Today offers a chance to honor not only the remarkable courage, clarity and wisdom of the man himself, but to take a moment to connect with those same qualities in ourselves....
My family buys a lot of shoes, and so it is with some level of personal interest that I have been watching Tony Hsieh tilt at the management windmill. I love his purpose and drive: unleashing potential. That’s more important to me than shoes. But it has me wondering about whether we really need to...
In our last post, we explained why the only way to achieve competitive advantage in today’s world is to design for people. This is the grand, overarching theme to the New Business Playbook (NBP), and the most critical way it differs from the Old Business Playbook (OBP). It is a system of thinking and a...
Envisioning created the goal. Strategizing formed the plan. Now the hard part: putting the plan into action. Humans are cooperative social animals, and executing almost anything interesting involves getting people to work together. How you see people working together to achieve your plan is your design. This includes not only employees, but any other stakeholders –...