Redefining Leadership

We provide practical tools, strategies, and experiments to help executives lead more authentically and effectively.

The human species didn’t plan to use fire. Fire happened. It was probably scary. And then someone or some group decided to see what they could do with it. The wheel didn’t happen because a genius set out to make one. Someone made a mistake and got confused. Instead of dropping the whole business and...
Most people are taught through our educational system, managers, and culture that there are “right” answers. A failure to find the right answer is often chalked up to an issue with someone’s intelligence or character. At Talentism, we call this a BSL narrative: it’s common to attribute mistakes to your own or someone else’s bad,...
Transcript below, for those of you who prefer reading over listening! Angie Jeff, I’ve often heard you use the analogy of swimming to shore against a strong current to describe the role of leadership. Can you say more about what that means? Jeff The origin story is that I was on a family vacation down...
In the inaugural episode of Coaching In the Clear, Jameel talks to Jeff about addressing systemic racial injustice, takes us inside the world of working with icons, and shares his perspective on how coaching unleashes potential. Jameel has been a force in the world of fashion and brand management for over 20 years. He has...
Chloe and Jeff talk about the value of empathy in the workplace, and using self-skepticism to catch personal blind spots in a leadership role. Chloe has 20 years of experience in designing, scaling, and leading strategies in corporate social impact, philanthropy, and diversity and inclusion. At Compass she launched the firm’s first social impact and...
Neil and Jeff talk about accepting shortcomings and leaning into strengths, catching frustrations at the root of the logical fallacy, how safety plays into acceptance, and discovering capabilities that the perfectionist in us wants to hide. Neil is the Co-Founder and CSO of Casper, one of the most popular mattress manufacturers in the US. He...
Kerry and Jeff talk about inspiring individuals and aligning loyalty to an organization’s purpose, recognizing when different coaching styles are necessary to bring out the best in people, and how focusing on someone’s blind spots can be the best approach for increasing effectiveness. Kerry held leadership positions at Amazon, Microsoft, and Bridgewater, and now manages...
Jim and Jeff talk about learning for learning’s sake, turning the goal into the process rather than the outcome, and how hearing someone’s story can unlock your ability to to understand their perspective. Jim reflects, “As a leader, and being fortunate and privileged to be in a position to lead an organization, it’s incumbent upon...
Before you can ask yourself or others how to find a job, instead ask yourself: how can I unleash my potential? It’s a big question, and a necessary one. If your job is simply to follow procedures – no matter how sophisticated – you’re competing with robots at worst, and plenty of other people at...
Talentism founder Jeff Hunter has worked with thousands of founders, CEOs and executives. When things feel out of control, they often ask him for one piece of practical advice to help them do their jobs better. He always tells them the same thing: ask more questions.  In this video, Jeff explains why asking questions is...