Check out Jeff’s podcast with Farnam Street here
It was an exciting week for us here at Talentism, with the release of an interview between Shane Parrish at Farnam Street and our very own Jeff Hunter. It’s the fullest end-to-end articulation of our approach that we’ve ever shared publicly, and reactions have been strongly positive so far.
While the conversation is far-ranging, covering everything from cognitive mechanics to management, hiring and culture (and Jeff’s thoughts on Millennials!), the core of Jeff’s message is a new way of seeing. It moves our mental model from accomplishing goals by controlling resources (including ourselves) to accomplishing goals by unleashing potential. In the old model, we lay out a series of tasks for ourselves and others, and figure out who was bad when it fails. The new model is one that recognizes every apparent failure as an opportunity for learning. It starts from the idea that instead of being rational actors, we’re all mostly confused, and that the biggest barrier to our success is our (in)ability to sync with others and see our reality clearly. Under this new way of seeing, the most important question becomes “how do we create ongoing clarity for ourselves and others to learn and express more of our potential every day.” That’s the key question this podcast seeks to answer. This isn’t something touchy-feely; it’s a competitive imperative in increasingly complex markets. Whoever learns the fastest — wins. Or, through the collective lens: whichever organizations create the clarity needed for people to express their potential toward shared goals — they win.
This is a deep shift, and one that I’ve seen takes consideration, reflection and experimentation to really grok. However, if there’s one shortcut to getting this stuff quickly, it’s setting aside two hours of your time and getting a download directly from one its key sources.
It’s a pleasure to share it with you, and, as always, curious to hear what you think.
How often do you jump to assumptions and reactions when something doesn’t make sense to you?
How often do those assumptions take the form of bad / stupid / lazy narratives about yourself or others?
At a fundamental level, how do you believe your business wins?