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Also available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Meet Natalie Glance, Duolingo’s Chief Engineering Officer, as she digs into the contradictions of modern leadership: How do you give employees the space to fail and learn while still hitting your team’s targets? Can you really build a diverse, empowering culture when you’re sprinting on the startup treadmill?...
Meet Simmone Taitt, founder + CEO of Poppy Seed Health, who is rewriting the rules of pregnancy, loss and postpartum support. With 24/7 1:1 access to doulas, midwives, and nurses, Poppy Seed Health offers on-demand emotional and mental health support.  Simmone opens up to Angie D’Sa, her executive coach, about how she transformed her personal trauma into...
Meet Evan O’Donnell an early-stage investor + co-founder of the VC firm, Timespan. Evan shares his powerful journey of overcoming the deep-seated fears instilled from growing up closeted as a gay man, striving for perfection to avoid the perceived catastrophe of being outed. Through self-work, Evan shed the limiting armor he had built up and transformed his...
Meet Meghan Joyce the founder + CEO of Duckbill, an AI-and-human powered answer to tiresome but deeply necessary life admin – think renewing your passport or making appointments with doctors who actually take your insurance. But MJ wasn’t always “Founder or Bust.” In fact, she has spent most of her career working for pretty iconoclastic founders. First at the ride-sharing...
Meet Joshua Walsky. He was co-founder and CTO of Broadway Technology and came up during the dot com boom. Now he’s a Talentism coach, guiding the next generation of founders. If you’ve worked in tech, you’ve probably met someone like Joshua. Exceedingly smart, exceedingly talented, and digging an exceedingly big hole for himself… Like many...
As a leader working towards complex goals, you likely find yourself giving directions, explaining, checking for understanding, setting expectations, and the like.  You think you’re doing everything right and thus find it incomprehensible when things don’t quite go according to plan. Deadlines are slipping, quality is poor, and you wonder what happened. Your mind naturally...
Meet Kathie Chao. She’s a Managing Director and Head of Digital Retail at Charles Schwab. Never one to back down from a challenge, her role has changed almost every year for the past decade. In 2021, her scope shifted dramatically. She realized her anxiety about work was tipping into an unhealthy point. She started working with...
Meet Stef Sy, founder and CEO of Thinking Machines (TM). TM is a leading data consultancy, using AI to transform the way governments and conglomerates in South East Asia do business. Stef created TM because she wanted to put the power of data in all employees’ hands, regardless of rank. And she wanted to make better jobs...
“You’re reading that quote from Larry Fink saying there’s never been more fear, what we need now is hope. As a business leader you may think, yeah, I’ll go in with more hope – that’s better than despair. More hope means better outcomes. But the truth is, hope alone doesn’t give an accurate picture of...
In the latest episode of The Clarifier, host Angie D’Sa interviews Christina Sass, founding partner of Dive In Labs and co-founder of Andela. Tune in to learn: [Full Transcript]  Angie D´Sa  00:05 Welcome to The Clarifier. In this episode, I interview Christina Sass. Christina was co-founder and president of Andela, a pioneering marketplace connecting international...
Should I be authentic at work or not? Should I bring my “whole self” or not? I recently read an article that was challenging the advice to be yourself at work. The author was making a full-throated defense of playing a role at work to get ahead. I don’t think the world needs more fear...
I have worked in and for organizations that prioritize culture. They talk about it ceaselessly, spend millions codifying it, make it a priority in hiring and firing, and make consistently bold pronouncements about how culture eats strategy for breakfast. Culture is queen. I agree with them. They do this because they understand that culture is...
This week, I am reflecting on the funny paths we take to look like we knew it all along.  I met a wonderful person this past week. We told our stories to each other. That happens many times a week: introductions, and then the canned narratives about our respective genius. But this time was different....
In this episode of The Clarifier, join host Angie D’Sa as she speaks to CEO coach Trevor Hunter about how to set effective goals. Tune in to learn how most of us are setting goals that we think we can achieve and why what actually serves us is setting goals from which we can learn....
Angie D’Sa 00:06 Welcome to The Clarifier. This week’s episode is the management episode. It’s not for those of you who love management; it’s for those of you who dread it. If you are finding that more and more of your job is about getting the best out of others, instead of just doing the...
Angie D’Sa: 00:06 Welcome to The Clarifier. In today’s episode, we talk about letting go. We zoom in on the experience of founders and CEOs building out their executive teams. We talk about why this experience can feel challenging, even threatening. Jeff Hunter: 00:23 We get caught in these perpetual waste cycles instead of perpetual...
“My co-founder and I used to be on the same page. Now we can’t seem to find common ground.” Co-founders are the foundations of organizations, and yet their relationships can deteriorate or become fraught over time. These aren’t just business partnerships; they are complex personal relationships taking place in the fishbowl of a professional context,...
“How do I know how much work my employees are doing?”  “Why doesn’t my manager care about my needs?” Many organizations find themselves in conversations about returning to the office that are fraught or contentious. Some have already implemented a model following the disruptive period of the pandemic and are now dealing with the consequences...
In this episode of Quick Clarity, Angie D’Sa and Jeff Hunter delve into the topic of the speed of change, which is the fundamental problem that most businesses face. Continue below for a full transcript of this episode, and join us as we explore: Full Transcript Angie D’Sa (00:12):  Welcome to Quick Clarity, the podcast...
It is common for companies to experience a productivity decline as they grow. We hear it consistently from our clients, regardless of industry, growth, or tenure. They find themselves having to do and spend more, only to get less. Faced with this confusing experience, most leaders see the natural next step as doubling down and...
In this episode of Quick Clarity, Angie and Jeff discuss a new role CEOs are feeling increasing pressure to fill and leaving them asking… “Do I have to be a therapist for my employees?” “How do I motivate my team after experiencing a layoff?” Jeff tackles these questions by sharing his reflections as a CEO,...
In this episode of Quick Clarity, Angie D’Sa and Jeff Hunter respond to crowded-sourced questions circling the minds of CEOs like… How do I take responsibility for a system I have created as a leader?  Jeff tackles these questions by sharing his reflections as a CEO, hiring manager, coach, and Founder. Angie outlines the three...
In this episode of Quick Clarity Angie and Jeff explore how the talent market is evolving. Today employees’ expectations of their work experience and of their leaders are heightening. This creates inevitable, sometimes painful, confusion for leaders. Listen and read more below as we explore these great expectations, and how leaders can recognize their own...